Applying for Italian citizenship by descent during the Covid pandemic

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The Covid-19 pandemic has affected all of us, in every aspect of our life. The Italian authorities and their consular representations, despite all the efforts, have unfortunately been affected as well, having had to take all the needed precautions to guarantee the health and safety of their employees while being able to maintain their presence in the territory and their services. As a direct consequence of the ongoing health crisis however even the procedure to apply for an Italian citizenship based on right of blood, especially when applying from abroad, has been heavily affected. Depending on different countries and how they are facing the pandemic, Italian consulates, despite themselves, had to reorganize their policies, their office hours and the type of services provided during the emergency. The result: in certain countries, getting an appointment to submit a citizenship application by right of blood has become extremely difficult. A direct consequence of the above is the difficulty of organizing the application process without knowing when the applicant will be able to submit the documents, fearing that the validity of certain documents might be lost along the way. There are however certain options that applicants might be considering, including, when allowed by the emergency regulations, moving to Italy and applying from within there.

Our Law Firm is currently assisting many clients in similar positions; while certain obstacles remain objective we have been trying to assist them organizing their applications while waiting to finally be able to submit them along with all the necessary documents. Feel free to contact us to inquire on how we could assist you to submit your application jure sanguinis through these hard times.